From the course: SharePoint Framework for Developers: 3 Deployment, Upgrades, and Lifecycle


- [Sahil] Hi my name is Sahil Malik and welcome to SharePoint Framework Deployment, Upgrades and Lifecycle. But we don't just deploy code, we have to live with it. We have to upgrade it, manage it across complex environments, many site collections, maybe even multiple tenants. In this course, I talk about these practical side of things. I talk about how to deploy SPFX solutions, both with a third party CDN and the Office 365 CDN with automatic client asset deployment. I also show you how you can leverage the site collection app catalog. I then talk about how to manage versions for both SharePoint assets based solutions and code oriented solutions. Finally, I go through the ALM APIs and yes, I show both PMP PowerShell and the Office 365 CLI.
