From the course: SharePoint Framework for Developers: 3 Deployment, Upgrades, and Lifecycle

My dev machine

- [Instructor] Now before we get started with deployment, upgrades and lifecycle of SPFx solutions, I wanted to get a couple of housekeeping items out of the way. This is because this is not a basic SPFx course. I won't show you how you can create say SharePoint Framework web part in this course, but just so we are working on the same versions and you know, versions move forward but at least you know what versions I recorded this course with, I wanted to get a few things out of the way. Let's start by introducing my dev environment first. I am recording everything on a Windows 10 machine. You can follow along on a Mac or a Linux machine. Either way it doesn't matter. I am using a terminal called Commander. This is what you see on the screen right now. You are welcome to use either Git Bash on Windows or you can use PowerShell. You can also use the Ubuntu Linux running on Windows, that's possible that there are some rough edges there, but certainly that's also another possibility. So I have a directory here called C Developer. There's nothing in this directory. This is where I'll be writing most of my code. Of course you'd also get it as exercise files. I have already installed Node on this machine. You can install it from I have covered this in depth in other courses on LinkedIn. So this is my node version. If you're on version v8x you're about okay. That's what the current recommended version is for SharePoint framework. I'm going with 1.4.1. I also wanted to show you the version of npm I have installed. And also let's look at all the global packages I have installed on this machine. You can get that by saying npm list dash dash depth zero and on the global level. So I have the SharePoint generator version 1.4.1 installed. I have installed Office 365 CLI on this machine. How do you install it? You just say npm install dash g at pnp slash office 365 dash cli and just hit enter. If you're on Mac or Linux you'll need to do sudo npm install and provide your admin credentials. So I've already installed that so I'm not going to run that again. I have also installed Gulp. I have installed Yarn. And I have installed the Yeoman. Yeoman itself and then the Yeoman generator for SharePoint 1.4.1. On this machine I have also installed the SharePoint online management shell. So I can just launch it like this, SharePoint online management shell. And this is basically PowerShell that is designed for SharePoint online. Now of course if your on a Mac or a Linux machine this SharePoint online management shell is not going to be installable there. So that is one part of the course that is specific to Windows but little by little Office 365 CLI is growing in capabilities and I'll be covering both Office 365 CLI and SharePoint online management shell as the need applies. Also, you can download the SharePoint online management shell from this URL. So, if you don't already have it installed, go to this URL, click on the download button, select the appropriate version, it'll download an msi. Just go through the installation steps and you will have the SharePoint online management shell on your machine. So with these in place let's also write some starter code.
