From the course: SharePoint and Digital Transformation: Sites for Collaboration and Communication

Create a site

- [Instructor] When you create a modern SharePoint site, you're going to be creating it here, from SharePoint home. And if you're elsewhere in your site collection, for example, if you're on a particular site and you want to get back to SharePoint home, simply click the link, here, that says SharePoint, in the application bar at the top. You will be returned right here to SharePoint Home and it has this link that says Create site. This is the link that you will use, whether you are creating a modern Team site, or a modern Communication site. Click Create site and you will immediately be presented with a panel that allows you to choose either a Communication site or a Team site, based on your needs. Team site is selected by default, and if I choose Team site, this will be a Team site connected to Office 365 Groups, and I can enter some information about it, I can provide a site name, so for example, if I wanted to create a site for sales, which I do, I can enter the name. It checks to see if the site name is available. What if it isn't, well if for example, if I put in a name that already is being used, like Wind installs, it says you could use that name for a site, but you're going to have to create a different group name here. It's better if we just create a different site name as well, so those are the same. But Sales is available, and this will be the email address, here's our site address, and I can tell people the purpose of the site, right here. This is what used to be called Sales Central, we're replacing that. Sales Central, site for all activities of the sales team and showcases and product information about sales and products. Long name, but that's okay. Next, what are our Privacy settings, either public or private, we're going to make this site public. Choose a language, and this isn't a time to try something different, just to see how it looks, for example, what would my site look like if it was rendered all in Hungarian or in Spanish, because you can't change the language later, and it even tells you that. I will then click Next, to go to the next page, and I can add other owners, but this site is being created right now. I wasn't asked to verify this, simply by clicking Next, I was automatically creating the site. So if I'd like to add additional owners, I can add them, like I'm hoping we can add Reggie as an owner, and that's enough for right now. Reggie and I work together, and that way I'll have somebody else helping me with the site. I click Finish and we're done. Creating a Communication site is very similar. I'll simply go to SharePoint home, I'll click Create site. When the panel appears, rather than choosing Team site, I'll choose Communication site, and in this case, this Communication site is going to be for our Sales Showcase and that is available, and this is internal, Showcase for products. Now we have another choice to make when we create a Communication site. Do we want to create a blank Communication site, create a Showcase or create a Topic, and in this case I'm creating a Showcase, that's even in its name, and we'll talk more about this later in the course, when we create Communication sites for specific purposes, but I'll click Finish and this site will automatically be created. Note, I wasn't asked to click Next, I was simply asked to click Finish, and the reason is there's not an assumption that I'm automatically going to be adding people to this site. There's no Office group created behind this site, so typically, I'll go from here right into design, whereas with the Team site, I'll go immediately into Collaborating. Whether we are creating a Communication site or a Team site, we create them both from the same starting point, SharePoint home.
