From the course: Windows Server 2019 Essential Training

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Windows Insider program

Windows Insider program

- [Instructor] Time will tell how Microsoft will use the two parallel release channels over the long haul. The quick release of features in the semi-annual channels, and the long-term reliability that people have come to rely on, provide different assurances to different people. The not so gradual move of many services and server roles to Azure, may take part of this decision out of the administrators hands. However you look at it, there is change coming down the line and however that change plays out one thing is for sure, you don't want to be surprised by a decision outside of your hands, may throw a wrench into your IT's strategic plan. You can stay in the know by reading articles on popular tech news sites, and subscribing to Microsoft's online magazines. Or you could be part of the conversation. Windows Insiders is a program that Microsoft introduced, to give the tech community access to the ever evolving versions…
