From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

Why use Sauce Labs?

- [Instructor] Why As you've seen from the demo, there are a number of reasons why using Sauce Labs will make your life better. From a cost, convenience, and efficiency perspective, you won't have to maintain dozens of VMs, OS, browser installation, patching, electricity. When you have access to the various OS and browser combinations, that allows you to more easily reproduce bugs that your customers might have found in rare configurations. From the evidence and troubleshooting perspective, Sauce captures videos and screenshots, and Selenium logs as well, that can help you more rapidly track down why a particular test might be failing. From an acceleration standpoint, you've just seen me demonstrate parallel testing on Sauce Labs, which can dramatically expedite the feedback you get from your automated tests. Now I will tell you it's not perfect. For instance, I just tried to run a test on an iPad simulator, and the video that it captured was like two minutes long, and my test actually only ran in the last 15 or 20 seconds of that video. So I'm not exactly sure why that happened, but I'm confident that I could get ahold of Sauce Labs customer support, get to the bottom of it, and have them help me solve that problem. When you run your tests on Sauce Labs, they will very likely be slower than if they were running on your own local computer. But if you factor in that you can run your tests on multiple machines in parallel, at Sauce, that can very easily offset the fact that each individual test is running more slowly because you can run more tests at the same time.
