From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

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Retrofit and run a Robot Framework suite

Retrofit and run a Robot Framework suite - Selenium Tutorial

From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

Retrofit and run a Robot Framework suite

- [Bryan] Okay so now that you've got the fundamentals of integrating with Saucelabs under your belt, it's time for the big show. So now I'm going to show you how to retrofit a layered robot framework script, so that it can be integrated with Saucelabs. This is more realistic of what you would really do in production. So let's have an overview of these steps first, then we'll go through and we'll execute them one-by-one. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with the layered Selenium2 project that you can get from the level one course. Inside that project, we're going to create the remote_url and desired_capabilities variables that we did in the previous video. Then we will add the remote_url and desired_capabilities to our open browser keyword, which now lives inside Common.Begin Web Test. Then we will add a custom library to our project, which uses an API call to report our test results back to Saucelabs. Then we will add a reference to this custom Saucelabs…
