From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

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Create and run a simple Sauce Labs script

Create and run a simple Sauce Labs script - Selenium Tutorial

From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Sauce Labs

Create and run a simple Sauce Labs script

- [Bryan] Okay, so this is where things get really fun. We're going to start with a simple Selenium2 web script, and from there, it's only one step to run the script on What you need to do is you need to add the remote URL and desired capabilities, parameters, to your open browser keyword. You can run the script the same way you did before by using pybot and passing in the name of the script, and then what you can do is you can modify the desired capabilities information to switch platforms, let's check it out. (clicking) So, again, if you've taken my level one course, you'll recognize this script. It's just a basic Selenium2 library web script. Open browser, wait for some text, do a little search, wait for more text, and then close the browser. This keyword right here, Open Browser, is the key to integrating with As we saw on the slide, what we need to do is we need to add two more (typing) parameters to the end of this keyword. So, let's do that. This…
