From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 4 Collaboration, Data Management and Automation

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Workflow rules

Workflow rules

- The foundational basis for workflow automation in Salesforce has to do with workflow rules. And so to access workflow rules, you search workflow under setup, and you see under the create menu in workflow and approvals, the first option here is workflow rules. If you click on this, there's an introductory screen here related to understanding workflows, and seriously, everything you need to know about workflow rules and their corresponding actions as far as it relates on the admin exam is detailed on this particular page which you can then to not be shown again and continue to go into your workflow rules and to create additional ones, but I do want to highlight some of these real quickly. And this is broken into three sections, the first one being what is a workflow. And workflows automate the following types of actions based on your organization's processes, and so the types of actions that can be taken on a workflow are tasks, email alerts, field updates and outbound messages. And…
