From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 2 Security and Data Model

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Sharing model

Sharing model

- [Instructor] Okay, so we've spent a lot of time discussing Profiles and Roles and so now we need to get into the Sharing Model. And the Sharing Model has to do with a couple of things as it relates to Salesforce and that would be the Organization-Wide Defaults and then also Sharing Settings and a lot of times for Organization-Wide Defaults, that's refereed to as Org-Wide Defaults. It's just kind of short terminology. And so to find the Organization-Wide Defaults in Sharing Settings, that would be under, Sharing Settings in the Setup Menu, so I search for, Sharing, and under Security Controls you see Sharing Settings. I'm going to click on that and introduce you to the Sharing Settings screen. So this screen is divided into two sections. At the top is the Organization-Wide Defaults and then beneath are the Sharing Rules for the various Objects in your Salesforce Instance. And so right now, if this is a new Salesforce Organization, you should only have Standard Objects that you can…
