From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 1 Introduction to Administrator Certification and Setup

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Salesforce user interface overview

Salesforce user interface overview

So once you sign up for a free Salesforce account you will need to go to your email and click through to confirm your account. And then, you're prompted to set a new password, and then you're logged in to your new Salesforce account. And you start off in the set up menu, and I'm in the lightning experience user interface. I'll show you briefly the user interface overview in lightning experience, and then we'll switch over to classic and I'll show you the interface there, as well. Much of this course will be in classic and some will be in lightning experience. There's certain things that you cannot do in lightning experience yet. So it really doesn't matter which interface that we're in. The main thing is you need to understand the fundamentals of the platform, regardless if you're in classic or lightning experience. But, first of all, let me show you the app launcher. We're in the setup application and we've got the home tab here. You can also get to the object manager here by…
