From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 2 Security and Data Model

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- [Instructor] We're going to be getting into quite a bit here, as far as how profiles impact the various security settings in your Salesforce instance. And so if we go into the profiles section of setup, and once again, I'm typing profiles here on the left, and you'll see that the profiles link is under managed users. So we click the profiles link and we see a list of all profiles that are currently in my Salesforce instance. And I have these sorted by profile name and then you see, as well, this custom column. You see that these that are checked are custom profiles and then the ones that are not checked are standard profiles. For the most part, you want to use custom profiles instead of standard ones. And so we have a lot here in our Salesforce instance. And this gives you an example of pretty much every conceivable standard profile that Salesforce provides. And so the best practice is to create custom profiles using these standard profiles as a template. And so we'll go into that…
