From the course: Salesforce Tips

How to use Salesforce everyday - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce Tips

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How to use Salesforce everyday

- [Instructor] When I worked in sales full time, there were three tools I used all day everyday. Number one, my email. Number two, Salesforce. And number three, LinkedIn, which I always use to prospect clients and just find out more about what was going on with them. Salesforce is a tool that's meant to be used everyday. It's not a tool that you use once in awhile. Most people who get frustrated with Salesforce have not learned to integrate the tool into their day-to-day workflow. Here's a few ways I use Salesforce to manage my day. Right now I'm on my Home tab, which I have customized and I know exactly what's going on today because I can see the tasks that I have pending. So I have a few that are due today. I have some things that are going on tomorrow, and I see that I have a proposal that I have to work on later in the week. I also see down here that there's an event today, I have a meeting with a customer. So already I know what I have to do today that's urgent and I have an idea of how to kind of plan my day. Now I'm also going to check out the Opportunities tab. And I don't want to look at recently viewed, I want to look at my specific opportunities. And you'll see right now they're already sorted by stage, but let me switch this. And I can see now who I'm prospecting, who is in different stages. I always like to see what's in the negotiation or review stage, because those are people who are very close to making a decision, but just might need a little extra follow up or some additional information from me. So I see there's four right here. So if I have some extra time today, I'm going to make sure I check out these opportunities and anything in that I can do to move these specific opportunities forward. Now I can also check out the Lead section, if my company uses leads and see if I was assigned any new leads today. So again I'm going to look at my unread leads. And it looks like there are, there aren't any new leads but there are a couple that I could still be working on. So that's great information. Maybe I want to block out an hour of my afternoon to work on these leads and try to convert this lead into an opportunity, which is my ultimate goal. So remember, the more you use Salesforce, the more comfortable you will get. So make Salesforce a part of your daily routine in a way that works for you.
