From the course: Salesforce for Sales Managers

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How to set up a price book

How to set up a price book

- [Instructor] Price Books are exactly what sound like. A book or list of all of your similar items broken into categories. If you sell hundreds of thousands of items, the benefits of using a Price Book are that it makes it much easier for your sales people to find the products you are looking for. For example, if you're a large retailer you may have a beauty Price Book, a technology Price Book, or other categories. Or you may be a company that sells to some organizations that get preferred pricing like non-profits or governments. Price Books allow you to create group pricing for those products. One thing to note, Price Books can now be it's own tab in Salesforce which is fairly new. If you have used Salesforce for a while, you may remember that they used to live under Products which made them a little bit hard to find. I have added Price Books to my navigation bar up here. So I'm going to click on Price Books. And create a new Price Book, I simply click the New button. Now we're…
