From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 5 Analytics and Mobile Administration

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Creating and customizing reports

Creating and customizing reports

- [Instructor] For creating and customizing reports for this particular lecture, we're going to start off by customizing some existing reports that are available on our free developer Salesforce organization. I feel like it's easier to understand how to create reports once you've gotten some experience with customizing some existing ones. This gives you a good starting point to work with, where you can see and start to understand the different types of reports, and then it makes it easier to create new ones from scratch if you first customize some existing ones. For first to demonstrate some existing reports that are available in our free Salesforce org, I'm going to click on the Campaign Reports folder here on the left, and just to reiterate, you get to this Reports & Dashboards home screen by clicking on the Reports tab. Now that I'm in the Campaign Reports folder, you notice that there's a list here of campaign reports. I'm going to click on the Campaign Call Down Report, it's just…
