From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 3 Sales, Marketing and Service Applications

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- [Instructor] So now that we're in the Communities and Site Management section of the course, we're going to discuss implementing a community. And this is kind of hard to demonstrate in a free Developer account because there's not a lot of licenses available to you, but we'll do our best, and then as well I'll provide you some other resources that you can explore further through implementation guide and a trail head module. So if you search for communities in Setup, you'll find a link for Community Settings, and it's here that you enabled communities in your own free developer account. It's important to note that after you enable communities, you can assign the View Global Header permission to internal users who need access to the community. The global header allows users to easily switch between their internal org and any community they're a member of, you can click Learn More, but I'll show you what that looks like here in a moment. So if we click Enable Communities, it will give…
