From the course: Salesforce Administrator Cert Prep: 4 Collaboration, Data Management and Automation

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Activity management

Activity management

- [Moderator] For the Admin Certification Study Guide, there's a section devoted to Activity Management, and really the only guidance that's provided, from the Study Guide as it relates to Activity Management, is describe the capabilities of Activity Management. So that doesn't give you a whole lot of direction, to go off of. So we're going to expound upon, Activity Management greatly here. And we're going to do this in relation, to an account record to give you an example, of these types of activities, and how they can be managed on the Salesforce platform. So I've picked a random account here, if I scroll down to the related list, you see a few things related to activities. There's open activities and then activity history. And so when we talk about Activity Management, on Salesforce, it could be things related, to a task or an event. And so let's assign a new task to this account. So I'm going to click New Task, under the Open Activities related list on this account. And so I'm…
