From the course: SQL Server 2008 Essential Training

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Preparing for installation

Preparing for installation

If we're going to learn SQL Server then we need to have both SQL Server and all the necessary tools to talk to it and administer it. Now I'm going to imagine that you fall into one of the three categories here. First is the idea that you're going completely from scratch. You have nothing installed at all. You have no existing SQL Server, anything. Now way at the other end is the idea that you have everything already installed successfully. You not only have a SQL Server 2008 R2 database server to talk to, you also have all the client tools installed and ready to go. SQL Server Management Studio, SQL Server Configuration Manager, Books Online, all of that stuff. If so, you can actually just go skip ahead to the next section. If you're someone in-between, say you know that you have a SQL Server database you can get to but you have no management application yet, well, I'm going to talk about going completely from scratch and you can just pick and choose the bits that you need. Now to be…
