From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Using surface intersections for complex modeling

Using surface intersections for complex modeling - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Using surface intersections for complex modeling

- [Instructor] Have you ever wanted to take a solid model and break it into small pieces that you could then add some modeling or do some other complex modeling with? Well the intersection tool is really powerful, and most people know about the intersection tool, but they don't really know that you can really intersect a whole bunch of things all at the same time, so let me show you some basics here. So, right over here I've got this surface. So, I've got a shape that I just did a revolve on, and I've got this surface right over here, which is the result revolved surface, and if I intersect the two of these things, I can basically use this surface to cut this solid in half. All right, so let me show you how that works. So click on Intersect, I want to intersect this body with that plane, intersect them together, and for some reason, Merge result is always default turned on. So, why you'd want to split something in half just…
