From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Using the reload command

Using the reload command - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Using the reload command

- [Instructor] For this tip, we're going to be learning about the reload command. Now the reload command is really helpful to just speed up the design process. And it's mostly if you make a mistake, or a series of them. So reload basically replaces the close, don't save, and then reopening document. So you might have opened something here, made a modification, and screwed it up. So let's go over here and try this one out. So let's choose move face, let's choose a couple surfaces here that we want to move. And this is similar to a part I was working with earlier at a different movie, so I'm just going to grab that same setup here. And here it is, kay? And I want to move this. So I'm going to try dragging it and rotating it, and just see what happens, so I did that, and it's like agh, that's not what I wanted, oh no. So I could go back and try to modify that feature, I could try to delete it, I could try to use undo, but we also have the option of what's called reload. Come up here to…
