From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Understanding mouse gestures

Understanding mouse gestures - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Understanding mouse gestures

- [Instructor] Mouse gestures are a great way to have quick access to different views or to different tools right at your tool tip. To get into mouse gestures go ahead and click on your right mouse button, and then quickly move in one or any direction you want. And notice this little wheel pops up here and you can choose which different orientation or view you'd like to see and then just keep going in that direction. Notice it spins around to that. And notice your model spins around to that view very quickly. You can easily get back into that just by right mouse clicking and then choosing a different direction, maybe this one over here. It spins around to that. Now if you happen to be in a different mode, like a sketch, so if I start a sketch here at the bottom, now I'll use my mouse button, now I have the option to choose different mouse tools. Now I have the option to choose different... Now I have the option to automate... Now I have the option to choose different drawing tools. If…
