From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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- [Instructor] If you haven't tried out Treehouse yet, I would definitely recommend giving it a try. Treehouse shipped for free with every SOLIDWORKS seed. Go ahead and download it or install it if you haven't already, open it up, and you should see a screen that looks a lot like this. What Treehouse does is it allows us to build a tree prior to creating any SOLIDWORKS documents. I can drag and drop assemblies and parts and drawings directly over into this workspace here to create my assembly, sub-assemblies, and so on, name all those files ahead of time, and export all of those SOLIDWORKS parts, assemblies, and drawings so they're all prenamed and preconfigured so then I can assign each of those to different work groups or open them up and they're already pre-assigned with the part numbers. So it's a really great way to do that. It's also a great way to look at existing trees. Let me give you an example. Let's go ahead and open up this one here. You can see I've got several different…
