From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Shell only one section

Shell only one section

- [Instructor] For this week's tip, I want to show how to shell only a portion of a part. So you can see I have a part right here up on the screen, and I'd like to actually shell away some of this material. So I'm going to go up here to Features, come up here to Shell, which is right over here. Click on that. And let's say we're going to shell this out to maybe 0.15. And let's go ahead and remove this surface here and this one over here, and let's do this, two surfaces over here and here. All right, and go ahead and click on OK. And it works, right? Everything works there. The only problem is is that shell goes all the way inside here, look at that. It goes all the way around that little part there. That's probably too far to shell because if you're going to actually manufacture this part, you'd have a awfully hard time getting into those little corners there. So maybe you'd like to just shell only a small subset of this part. And you can do that by splitting the part first. So let's…
