From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Selection Filters: F5 and F6

Selection Filters: F5 and F6 - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Selection Filters: F5 and F6

- In this movie, I want to talk about selection filters. Now selection filters is something that automatically gets kind of turned on by accident, quite a bit of the time. When I taught SolidWorks in a classroom environment, people will turn on selection filters. They're trying to click on the screen, they're trying to select things, and they're going, "Hey my mouse is not working, I don't know what's going on here, I don't know how to fix this." And that's because, they turned on a selection filter by accident. And down here at the bottom on the screen, you can see here is my selection filters. And you can see I'm only filtering dimensions. So I'm trying click here on the screen, click, click, click. Nothing's happening because there are no dimensions to select. So let me show you a little bit behind the scenes on how selection filters work. First off, F5 in your keyboard, Ima hit your F5. And it turns that menu off,…
