From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Save SOLIDWORKS settings

Save SOLIDWORKS settings - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Save SOLIDWORKS settings

- [Instructor] Let's talk about saving your SolidWorks settings. Now, you might do a lot of customization to your work environment. You might add and remove toolbars. You might do mouse gestures. You might add some specific keyboard shortcuts. And you want to save that information, so, if you move to a different computer, or maybe you're traveling, and you're going to be working on a machine that's not your native machine. You want to save those settings, so that you can just quickly load those in, and everything is set up exactly the way you have it. So to do, come up here to Tools. Come on down here to Save/Restore Settings. All right, so click on the Save Settings box, click on Next. And it's going to ask you, what are the things you'd like to save? So, System Options? Yes. Toolbar Layout? Yes. Keyboard shortcuts? Sure. Mouse Gestures? Yes. Menu Customization? Yeah. Saved Views? Sure. Put all those things in…
