From the course: Modeling a Cabinet with SOLIDWORKS

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Drawer bottom

Drawer bottom

- Next we will create a base for our drawer, or a bottom platform, and I'm going to hide this front that we created of the drawer and we'll need the drawer bottom plane, the drawer depth, and the drawer width as well then as the front frame thickness planes to be visible for what we want to do. All right, so let's edit the skeleton component. I'm going to from this drawer bottom let's just drag up a plane slightly so remember Control-Select, and let's name this plane DrawerBottomPosition. And note that the setting that I had defined there was five millimeters for the distance, and then we will add another one of five millimeters as well for this plane. And then let's name this plane DrawerBottomThickness. And take the drawer bottom and hide this plane, and then let's exit the Skeleton Edit mode. Let's insert a new part and let's call this DrawerBottom. Select the front, exit the sketch, and this time we want to make sure that we are starting our sketch on the correct plane so I'm…
