From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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Cutting and pasting custom properties

Cutting and pasting custom properties - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

Cutting and pasting custom properties

- [Voiceover] Custom properties are very handy for relaying information about a part into a drawing or a bill of materials. To take a look at custom properties, let's go up here to the top of our screen and click on file properties. You can see here I've got the Summary properties, the Custom properties, as well as Configuration Specific properties. Let's go back over here to Custom properties. And you can see here, I've got a bunch of stuff already filled out. So I've chosen Description, Part Number, Material, and so on, and I've got some values over here. Notice I'm using some links inside of my custom properties to link to SolidWorks values. For instance, this one here, which is SolidWorks File Name, and there it is, you can see, here's my file name here at the top of the screen. Now what I want to do is, I wanna input that value. Before I do that, though, notice there's nothing written in Description. I go ahead and click on OK. And I'm gonna go over to the drawing that I created…
