From the course: SOLIDWORKS: Tips & Tricks

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3D textures

3D textures

- [Instructor] A really cool new feature has been added to SOLIDWORKS and it allows you to take an appearance and add it on to your model and then turn that into a 3D texture. To do it takes a few steps, but I want to go through them and show you how that works. The first thing I want to do is grab a texture and put it right here on my model. To do that I'm going to go over here, click on this, and here's the texture I want to add, so I'm going to go ahead and just drag that directly into that face and it shows up right there. I want to add this to the face. Now I can come over here to the Display Manager. And there's my grayscale.jpeg. And click on Edit Appearance. All right, now what I can do is I can jump over to the Advanced tab here and just kind of modify the way this thing is placed on that surface. So over here, I'm going to change this to 10 millimeters, I've done this earlier so it should work the way I'm looking for it to be. And I can also click on the Rotation so I kind…
