From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Is paid search devaluing SEO?

From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Is paid search devaluing SEO?

- There's no doubt that there are more ads on the Google search results pages than ever. It's also no doubt that there's more content overall that's kind of pushed down or made less the traditional 10 blue links, 10 web links that are out there. So, yes, it can be more challenging, but it doesn't necessarily mean your SEO is less valuable to still pursue. People oftentimes still pass over all those paid links. They may also pass over special boxes, 'cause they still seek out the web links as if that's the real stuff that they want to have, and so it's still valuable to be there if you can. But those other places are also new opportunities for you, that if you haven't been paying attention, you should. If Google is elevating its local listings higher in the page and you are a local business, that's prime real estate that you want to be tapping into and should be tapping into as much as you can.
