From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Voice search's effect on SEO

From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Voice search's effect on SEO

- The biggest change voice search is ushering in is causing people to just do do more searches. They're not stopping to think I've got to get back to keyboard or I need to get to a moment when I can stop and type on my phone. They can just pick up the phone and ask at any kind of query. And that means that there's a richer range of options for business owners and others to be discovered. In terms of the SEO you need to do for voice search. Some people feel like, well, if you have pages that sound like they're more conversational, you do well. But I wouldn't advise you try to do anything specific to optimize for voice search. I think you should just have great content and the search engines will figure out whether that content makes sense to show when someone's done a voice search and how they've interpreted that or whether they've typed it in.
