From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Search strategies

From the course: Danny Sullivan on SEO

Search strategies

- So we've talked a lot about SEO, and in particular, being found on Google when somebody does a keyword search, and that is what a lot of people still consider to be SEO, all about that kind of activity. But SEO actually goes beyond just the top listings in Google, it can involve things like video listings on Google, or if you have news content, you have a special section where news content appears. If you're a local business, there's a whole area of local businesses that Google has that they list out there, and that you can control or you can interact with. Bing operates in a similar fashion as well. So you want to think about these what are often called vertical spaces, these very niche or specialized things where you have opportunities to be appearing. It is not just that I have to have my webpage be number one on Google. And it's not even that you have to be on Google. If someone's looking for a local business, they may very well be turning directly to something like Yelp, and the question there is, well how is Yelp within your business? Did you work to encourage good reviews for yourself? Have you taken care of your listing over there and made use of all the things that are available to you? Because that is SEO as well. It can even extend to things like, you've asked your Amazon Echo to give you an answer to a question, and it comes back with a result and it reads that off to you. Well where did it get that information from? What is the source of it, and is that something that your business could take into account and perhaps be one of the listings that shows up in that regard? SEO at its core remains that you understand how your audience is searching, so you want to ask people, you want to ask your own customers how did you find me? How did you locate me? What brought you in? And then you want to make sure that you're taking advantage of these other things that you might not be thinking of that go beyond Google and increasing the opportunity to be found through them.
