From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 07 Using SQL in SAS

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- [Instructor] Structured Query Language or SQL is a common language that is used by many programmers in a wide variety of software. And SAS enables you to write SQL code as part of your SAS program. It's likely that you will come across SQL as you progress as a SAS programmer. So it's important to understand how SQL can be a beneficial tool and how it compares to the SAS code you've learned to write so far. SQL is typically used in the Prepare data and Analyze and report on data phases of the SAS programming process. SQL provides an alternative paradigm for processing and reporting on tabular data. Most database management systems use SQL as a common language to query, manipulate, and report on tables. Because of its widespread use and unique processing strengths, SQL can be used in SAS programs through a procedure, PROC SQL. Although data and PROC steps and SQL definitely have some overlap in terms of functionality…
