From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data

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Required column attributes for SAS tables

Required column attributes for SAS tables - SAS Tutorial

From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data

Required column attributes for SAS tables

- [Narrator] So, what does it mean for a column to be defined? In SAS, a column must have three attributes: a name, a type, an a length. Let's look at each of these in more depth. First, let's talk about names. SAS column names can be one to 32 characters long. They must start with a letter or underscore, and can continue with any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores. Column names are stored in the case that you use when you create the column, and can be an uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case. After they're created, you can reference columns in any case in your code without affecting the way they're stored. Depending on the environment you use to submit your code, SAS might allow for spaces and special symbols other than underscores in column and table names. If you use data sources other than SAS that have flexible column name rules, SAS can make allowances for that. However, for simplicity and…
