From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data

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Listing table and column attributes

Listing table and column attributes - SAS Tutorial

From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data

Listing table and column attributes

- [Instructor] You've used your software to view the storm summary table and its properties. But another way to view the table attributes is to write a PROC CONTENTS step. The CONTENTS procedure creates a report of the descriptor portion of the table. The syntax is simple. Just PROC CONTENTS and DATA= followed by the location and name of the table that you want to examine. The RUN statement ends the step. The first two sections of the report give general information about the table, including where the table is stored, when it was created and modified, and the number of rows and columns. Let's focus on this table. The Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes. The names of all the columns in the table are listed here, along with their type and length. The class Birthdate table has the numeric columns age, birth date, height, and weight, and they all have a length of eight. We also have two character columns. Name…
