From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 08 Controlling Data Step Processing

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Demo: DATA step processing in action

Demo: DATA step processing in action

- [Instructor] A great way to learn how data is processed in the execution phase is to watch it happen statement by statement and row by row. This is possible using an interactive debugging tool unique to SAS enterprise guide. We'll use the data step debugger to peek behind the scenes and watch the impact of each statement on the values on the PDV as the step executes. So I have a data set program open right now. And you'll notice this little green icon on the toolbar. When I click it, it makes a data step debugger available in my program. When I click on the green bug next to the data step, the data step debugger launches. So at this point, the compilation phase is complete. And the PDV is displayed on the right side of the window. So, notice to begin with all of the columns from storm, summary, small are included in the PDV and all have been initialized to missing. Blank for character columns and period for numeric columns.…
