From the course: SAS® 9.4 Cert Prep: Part 02 Accessing Data

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Automatic SAS libraries

Automatic SAS libraries

- [Instructor] In addition to creating your own libraries, there are other ways libraries can be created. When you start a SAS session, several libraries are defined automatically by SAS. Let's talk about two that you'll use in this class. The Work library is a temporary library that is automatically defined by SAS at the beginning of each SAS session. We say the Work library is temporary because any tables written to the Work library are deleted at the end of each SAS session. This library is commonly used in SAS programs because it's a great way to create working files that you don't need to save permanently. The Work library is also the default library. If you don't type a libref in front of a table name, SAS uses the Work library. These code snippets both reference a temporary table named test in the Work library. Another library that SAS automatically designs is the Sashelp library. Sashelp contains a collection of…
