From the course: S/4 Finance: Fiori Accounts Receivable Analytics

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Days beyond terms (DBT)

Days beyond terms (DBT)

- [Instructor 1] So for this app, this is one of the first of the KPI apps called Days Beyond Terms or DBT. So this is a KPI Fiori smart business app. And as an AR Manager, if you want to view your, this key performance indicator, which is days beyond terms it helps you analyze the payment history that you've had from your customers. So it helps measure the average number of days overdue invoices were outstanding, before they were paid. But in order for something to show up in this metric, the payments must be cleared and the calculation also includes payments that are within terms. So in other words, if you have got cash sales in this indicator, it doesn't really help you it's really only good to measure credit sales. So the calculation is based on the individual payment amounts multiplied by the days in arrears. And this is per transaction divided by the sum of all payment amounts. So, the thing here is that if…
