From the course: SAP Business One: Sales and Customer Service

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Create draft documents

Create draft documents

- [Instructor] You might run into this situation where you get an order in, but there's something not quite right, such as the back order we saw with the tablets, a minimum quantity not met, a price discrepancy, or shipping blackout date. You may need to talk to the customer before you process the order. By splitting Huli Pizza Order, we added the cost of shipping, which wasn't reflected in the quote. You're going to want to ask for this sales order to call Nova and find out about it before adding it to the system, and that's what draft documents are for. In SAP Business One, you can make draft documents for many of the documents, including quotes. Drafts don't officially exist in the system. They are stored completely separate from sales inventory and accounting functions. Sales orders is one of the most common ones. So in the one we've got here, and we've got... I'm going to go back to Contents for something to…
