From the course: Revit Worksharing: Management

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From the course: Revit Worksharing: Management

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- [Instructor] Hello, my name is Paul F. Aubin and I'd like to welcome you to this course where we will explore the management of Revit workshare enabled projects. Revit's worksharing feature provides a collection of tools that allows for multiple user access to a single Revit project file. While we will cover some of the basic concepts in this course, we won't spend a lot of time creating local files, synchronizing, or borrowing elements. These topics are covered in detail in the Worksharing Users course here in the library. In this course I will focus on the skills required to manage a workshare enabled project. I'll show you how to create a central file and configure the overall work sharing settings. We'll discuss the importance of a central file's path and ensure that it's saved in a location where all users can access it. We'll discuss linked files, upgrading old projects, archiving central files, moving central files and much more. So whether you're a BIM manager in your firm and responsible for overseeing all Revit projects or just the member of the team who knows the most about Revit and therefore got assigned the task of maintaining the health of the central file, there's something for you here in this course. So let's get started.
