From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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New in Revit 2020: Using path of travel

New in Revit 2020: Using path of travel

- [Instructor] In this video I want to share with you a new feature in Revit 2020, the Path of Travel tool. So, the Path of Travel tool is an analysis tool that allows you to pick two points on screen in a floor plan, and it will analyze the path between those two points and find the shortest path and consider obstacles along the way. Now, they're calling this a Path of Travel tool. They're not specifically calling it a code analysis tool, but one of the most obvious uses for something like that is to analyze escape routes based on your building code requirements, so that's the kind of use that I'm going to be thinking of when I demonstrate the tool to you, but just keep in mind it's not specifically designed for that purpose, and you could use it to analyze the path for any reason whatsoever, and therefore make adjustments to its settings as a consequence. But let's use it as a way to kind of analyze what the distance is to…
