From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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Line-based families for complex linetypes

Line-based families for complex linetypes

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

Line-based families for complex linetypes

- [Voiceover] Have you ever wished you could do a complex line type in Revit? This is a line type where you draw the line and it repeats a symbol along the length of the line, and that symbol might be just a simple x for representing a fence or it could include the word Gas or the letter s for Sewer, w for Waterline, and so on. So, you can actually create a family that does a pretty good representation of this. It won't actually be a line type so you can't actually create a complex line types directly, but a line based family is our next best option. So I've got a few examples here on screen and I'm gonna show you how I put this together. So the first thing is that we need the symbol. So that's gonna become Gas or the x or the s. That's gonna be one family. Then we're gonna nest that into a second family that we use here in the project. So, let me go ahead and build the pieces that we need. We're gonna go to the…
