From the course: Learning the Canon Rebel T4i and T5i (EOS 650D and 700D)

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Aperture-Priority mode

Aperture-Priority mode

- One of my favorite shooting modes is aperture priority. This mode is most useful because it allows you precise control over aperture. For example, you can dial in the aperture that you want to control the depth of feel. Then the camera will automatically calculate and select the right shutter speed for a proper exposure. Too shoot in aperture priority mode, turn the dial to the AV setting, for aperture value. I find this mode quite useful when shooting portraits and I really want to control the blurring of the background. Aperture priority lets you choose any aperture that your lens supports. To change the aperture, just turn the main dial. To judge the effects of changing aperture, be sure to press the depth of feel preview button. When you hold this button down, the lens will stop down to show you the correct aperture and show how it's going to impact the depth of feel. If the shutter speed is blinking in aperture priority, it means you need to adjust the aperture setting to…
