From the course: React: Cloud-Powered Apps with Firebase

What you should know

From the course: React: Cloud-Powered Apps with Firebase

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What you should know

- [Narrator] This course will assume a basic understanding of React. You will also need Node, npm, and Git installed on your system. If you're not familiar with React, I recommend you watch our Essential Training course for React. If you don't have Git installed on your system, go ahead and download it from We'll be using Node and npm the install packages. If you don't know how to use npm, I recommend you watch our course on npm, the Node Package Manager. I'll also be using Visual Studio Code as my main editor. You can download it from I have also installed Prettier for Visual Studio Code in order to auto-format my JavaScript code as I save. This is a really useful tool. If you're interested in the theme that I'm using, it is the Night Owl theme by Sarah Drasner. Lastly, we are going to spend quite some time in the terminal. If you're on a Mac, I recommend downloading and installing iTerm2 version three. And using a shell like ZSH in the Oh My ZSH framework, as it provides you with tooling that will make you much more productive at your terminal. If you're on a Windows machine, I highly recommend you check out Cmder as an alternative to the Command Prompt.
