From the course: React: Ecosystems


- Have you ever wondered why React is so popular? What makes it such a great library to build web, or mobile applications? That is exactly what I'll answer in this short course on React and its ecosystems. Hi, I'm Manny and I'll be your tour guide as we explore some of the electrons within the React ecosystem. Together, we'll investigate what React offers as the nucleus of this system. So first, what exactly is React and what does it offer at its core? Very simply, React doesn't try to be too many things. In fact, it has a small library or API to keep things simple. Its power lies in providing you with the proper syntax and infrastructure to build your application with components everywhere. It uses props to pass data to your components and stays to keep track of your current application state. But part of the genius of React is that it allows a community an ecosystem to address other needs you might have with your application. It is this ecosytem that we'll be exploring in the course. So fire up your browser and let's get started.
