From the course: React for Web Designers

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Use live data from a RESTful API

Use live data from a RESTful API - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React for Web Designers

Use live data from a RESTful API

- Over the course of the next several videos, we are going to start creating a little status update app for a hotel website- Landon Hotel. We're going to interface with a small and simple API to retrieve messages and post new ones, and we're going to delve a little deeper into React's function components to see more of what's possible. So we'll take a look at this mock-up first. I've loaded the mock-up file here in my browser, and if I scroll down, you can click this little button to do that, I'll go straight to the status updates section. This is a mock-up of what we'll be building. We have over here a little form that's going to post status updates from various parts of the hotel with who it's from and the date and time. So let's look at this and think about the components that we're going to need. We'll have one big component that wraps everything, we'll call that the status message manager, and then we'll have our post form over here, post form component. And we can see that this…
