From the course: React: Ecosystems

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State management

State management

- Next up is state management. What exactly is it? Let me start by defining what a state is. When data changes, or when you click on a link, the application will change to reflect these events. Think of a state as the web page you're on before there are any changes or before you click on any links. That is the current state of the site or application at that point in time. When we click on a link, we change the state of the application at another point in time. So, state management is, in its simplest form, managing different points in time, or states, for your application. With React, we get an object we can observe and analyze, one that is called, you guessed it, the state. So as these events occur, you see the state changing both visually on the web page or application and internally in the state object. Redux, one of the leading libraries, provides us with great syntax and structure to manage our state. Redux has actions that call reducers, which are functions that create a new…
