From the course: React for Web Designers

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React Toolbox: ES6, JSX, and more

React Toolbox: ES6, JSX, and more - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React for Web Designers

React Toolbox: ES6, JSX, and more

- [Instructor] Now, let's go over the React Toolbox, the specific pieces of technology you'll be using when you're working with React, especially the ones that might be a little bit new to you. First up is ECMAScript2015, also known as ES6, which is basically Modern JavaScript. There are some syntactical features and other niceties built into this new version of JavaScript that make it pretty pleasant to work with. And almost all of the React documentation is written targeting this version. You'll also see JSX, which is an extension of JavaScript. Basically resulting in HTML in your JavaScript. You'll see why we end up using JSX all the time when we're working with React as we start building things up. It makes things a lot more convenient than they would be otherwise. Next up is Babel, which is a JavaScript transpiler. That means it converts these newer and different JavaScript structures that we're writing into code that's more compatible across more browsers. So for example, it can…
