From the course: React: Ecosystems

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- A couple years ago React's team decided to remove the web APIs, call the React (mumbling) from the React library. This opened up the possibility of using React in new environments such as mobile devices. Needless to say, mobile devices have becomes a huge part of our lives. React's component approach is the perfect tool to build mobile applications on iOS, Android, and Windows mobile devices with a single library called React Native. With React Native you can use the approach of building components once, and deploy your application to these environments. Because of the nature of mobile OSs and the differences between them the community was driven to build more libraries to support all kinds of scenarios. Some of these include mobile routing, UI elements, starting kits, IDEs, and testing libraries specific to React Native. Feel free to watch my course on the React Native ecosystem to get started. Also, check out the React Native webpage at forward slash…
