From the course: React for Web Designers

Add React to your web designer toolbox - React.js Tutorial

From the course: React for Web Designers

Add React to your web designer toolbox

- [Instructor] Hi I'm Joe Chellman and welcome to React for Web Designers. React is super popular and if you're interested in web design or have been working in the business, you've undoubtedly heard a little bit about it. React is a user interface library that can be used in the creation of websites, mobile apps, and more. What you might not know is that you don't have to dive into React head-first building only new projects out of (mumbles). You can use React as part of existing sites without any complicated build processes. That's exactly what we'll be doing in this course. First, I'll look at some of the conceptual aspects of React to help us get our bearings. Then we'll work through a series of three small websites incorporating React components into each one. We'll create a simple product customizer to get acquainted to managing basic state and props and how React handles events. Next we'll work on a searchable filterable directory of people for a small company, which will include controlled forms and simple animation. Our final project will be a small messaging app that communicates with a simple API using asynchronous calls over the network and React's lifecycle methods. All in all you'll see much of what makes React interesting and be able to add it to your web design toolbox without a lot of headaches, let's check it out.
