From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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A clean and simple web server

A clean and simple web server - Raspberry Pi Tutorial

From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

A clean and simple web server

- [Mark] A web server is a convenient way of displaying information. And the Raspberry Pi is a convenient tool for collecting information. So it's inevitable that you'll want to turn your Raspberry Pi into a web server. There is a really simple way to do this and you don't even need to install any software. Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross and welcome to this week's edition of "Raspberry Pi Weekly." Every week we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. Raspbian comes with a built-in web server courtesy of Python. Without any extra programming or installation it handles static web pages and JavaScript. It doesn't handle PHP or other server-side languages, and it doesn't support secure HTTP without extra work. But, for a quick and dirty web server, it's great. One other note, I'm only going to show you how to expose this web server on your local network. In a later session I'll show you how to expose your Raspberry Pi to the outside world. So here we go. First, create a directory…
