From the course: Raspberry Pi Weekly

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Use Kano OS

Use Kano OS

- The Raspberry Pi is often pitched as a computer for kids and education but that's not the whole story. It's a great tool for exploration of the Internet of Things and comes with a sophisticated Linux operating system which makes it a bit less kid-friendly, especially the initial setup and navigation through applications. Kano Computing Limited supplies a kit, including all the hardware you need to build a Raspberry Pi computer. Better yet, Kano has customized Raspbian with two additional versions designed for use by kids as well as a simplified setup routine. Hi, I'm Mark Niemann-Ross and welcome to this week's edition of Raspberry Pi Weekly. Every week, we explore the Raspberry Pi and share useful tips. You can install the Kano operating system through the standard installation process. Download Kano OS from Select and download the option closest to the Raspberry Pi you currently own. This may take…
